Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
April 6th 2021

The Sovereignty of God
What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us. Romans 8:30 KJVN
Bible Reading: Numbers 23
Today’s word is an encouragement to you. Whatever you maybe passing through, rejoice in the sovereignty of God. God’s sovereignty means that God is in-charge of everything. It means that God has power over all things and He is in control. Nothing can go wrong with Him and nothing meets Him by surprise. Are sick and trusting God for healing? Are you in desperate need for a miracle? Are uncomfortable with the turn of events in your life? Or the people you need around you to support you seems to be unavailable? I want you to know that God in constant and sovereignty.
Our Bible today is a perfect example of God’s sovereignty. The prophet Balaam planned on cursing the children of Israel. In fact, he was hired by king Balak of Moab to speak against the Israelites. However, God had a better plan. He used His sovereign power to overturn the curse of Balaam. Instead of speaking the people of God, Balaam spoke positively into their lives. God’s sovereignty defies any form of arrangement or plan because He is God. The story of Balaam reminds me of king David’s experience when Absalom (David’s son) planned a coup de tat to overthrow David from the throne (2 Samuel 15:31-37). King David prayed a simple prayer about Ahitophel, who was a counsel of David renowned for his sagacity. David prayed for God to turn Ahitophel’s counsel into naught and God’s sovereignty manifested. Dear friends, God is for you and when God is on your side, you have nothing to fear. I pray for God’s intervention in your situation in Jesus name. May you experience God’s sovereignty in every aspect of your life.
Daily Confession: I declare God’s sovereignty over my life and my circumstance in Jesus name, amen.
Intercessory prayer: Pray for someone you know today that may be passing through a hard time.
Hymn: Trust and obey
For there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus
But to trust and obey