Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
July 7th 2021

Where Will You Spend Eternity?
And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment. Hebrews 9:27
Bible Reading: Luke 16:19-31
Every Man owe the debt of death. We will die one day no matter our circumstance or situation on earth. Death is a guaranteed reality because it is part of life. Since physical death is unavoidable, the question then is where will you spend Eternity? When man fell in the Garden of Eden, he was spiritually dead to God. God showed His love to the world by giving His only begotten Son, Jesus, that whosoever believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Man was saved from spiritual death. This means even if death come calling, our eternity is secured in God through the precious blood of Jesus because we have been redeemed from destruction unto eternity life. It also means that if the trumpet of the Second Coming of Jesus sounds now, you will be caught up with Him in the sky. Eternity is found only in Jesus. Heaven and hell are real. From our Bible reading today, we can see the experiences of both Lazarus and the rich man after physical death. Dear friend, “for what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Mark 8:36-37). Make the decision to follow Jesus today because tomorrow maybe too late. Accept the salvation Jesus is offering you because He is at the door of your heart, knocking and waiting for you to let Him in (Revelation 3:20). Once you are saved, your faith journey starts and with the help of the Holy Spirit, your life will start aligning to the lifestyle of the kingdom of God. As you attend Bible believing church, constant study of the word of God and prayer, your life will be prepared daily for the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. I want to spend eternity with God, what about you?
Action Point: If you haven’t give your life to Jesus, today is the day. If you need to rededicate your life unto God, this is an opportunity.
Intercessory prayer: Intercede for those who are yet to come to know Jesus Christ.
Hymn: Eternity! Eternity!
How will you spend Eternity?
This question comes to you and me!
How will you spend Eternity?
Tell me, what shall your answer be—
How will you spend Eternity?