Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
August 18th 2021

Obedience (III)
But Samuel replied: “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. I Samuel 15:22
Bible Reading: Jonah 1
There will be a reason to disobey; a ‘logical’ reason to defend your or compromise. For instance, you can hear someone say, ‘I had no choice that’s why I did it’s or ‘he made me do it etc. That was the case with king Saul who disobeyed God but shifted the blame on his soldiers.
There’s something about disobedience, once you get into a habit of disobeying, you start normalizing disobedience, thus silence your conscience. The first time you disobeyed, did you noticed it was tough and strange and you asked for forgiveness immediately? But after awhile when disobedience has become part of your lifestyle, did you realize it was not difficult to disobey? The same thing is application to lies and other works of flesh.
It is the same thing when we obey God’s word, His instructions and those He has places over us. Obedience means doing exactly as commanded, and doing it happily. Dear friends, it is my prayer that we will be people who obey God wholeheartedly.
Daily Confession: I am obedient for I have the Spirit of God in me in Jesus name, amen.
Intercessory prayer: prophesy unto the new week for yourself, family, friends etc.
Hymn: Obedience is the very best way
To show that you believe
Doing exactly what the Lord command
Doing it happily
Obedience is the very best way
To show that you believe.