Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
January 18th 2022

Pay Attention to Your Morning

But to You I have cried out, o Lord, and in the morning my prayer comes before You. Psalm 88:13 [NKJV]

Bible Reading: Genesis 19:27

The journey of every day starts in the morning. Metaphorically, morning signifies the beginning. When growing up, my parents were particular about how we spent our mornings. In fact, some of our teachers in school laid emphasis on what we did in the morning and who we spent early hours of the day with. We were told that morning was so important that we never took it for granted. Many years later, studying the Bible and growing in life, I realized that God lays emphasis on the morning. Many fathers of faith never played with their morning. Look at Abraham (Genesis 19:27; 22:3), Jacob (Genesis 28:18), Jehoshaphat (2 Chronicles 20:20), king David etc.

In fact, God instructed Moses to arise early in the morning and meet Pharaoh to give Pharaoh God’s command (Exodus 8:20; Exodus 9:13). Moses built an altar before the Lord early in the morning (Exodus 24:4; Exodus 34:4). Many times, the Israelites encounters with the Lord took place in the morning (Numbers 14:40); what about Joshua (Joshua 6:13; Joshua 8:10)?  Did you know that in Shiloh, they woke up early in the morning to worship the Lord (1 Samuel 1:19)? King David knew what it means to fellowship with God and attend to his father’s flock in the morning (1 Samuel 17:20; Psalm 5:3). Dont you know that it is in the morning that the dew falls and God’s faithfulness is renewed every morning (Lamentation 3:23)?

During our first Sunday fellowship last year, we did an exercise. Each member was encouraged to set specific goal(s) for the year and follow through right from the beginning. What choice would you make in the morning of this year? What attitude would you give yourself unto this year? What are your dreams for this year? What practical steps will you take to achieve those dreams? What areas do you need to improve yourself?

Figuratively, we are in the early part of the year. It is still morning and what we do, who we partner with, who we listen to and the attitude we show will determine how the year will be. The psalmist understood the significance of morning when he said that: My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; In the morning I will direct my voice to You, and I will look up (Psalm 5:3; Psalm 92:2; Psalm 59:16).

Self-Reflection: I encourage you to spend the morning of this year wisely. Pray, study God’s word, listen to the right people, dream big and follow through.

Daily Confession: Lord Jesus, I thank you for giving me understanding, enable me to flourish and make me hear your lovingkindness every morning (Psalm 143:8).

Hymn:  Ere you left your room this morning,

Did you think to pray?

In the name of Christ, our Savior,

Did you sue for loving favor

As a shield today?