Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
January 20th 2022

Pray without Ceasing

Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonian 5:17 [ESV]

Bible Reading: I Thessalonian 5:16-18

Communication is important to the survival of any relationship. One of the ways to maintain our relationship with God is through prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool every child of God needs to engage. It is a spiritual communication link between God and His children. A weapon of war that every child of God should employ and a lifestyle that we must learn. It is a spiritual exercise that create bond for deeper walk with God. When Jesus Christ was on earth, He taught His disciples how to pray because he understood that prayer is the lifeline to maintaining spiritual connection (Matthew 6:9-13).

Prayer is beyond an act. It is a lifestyle that every Christian need to develop in our journey of companionship with God. Prayer is an act of trust and faith (Matthew 21:22). It requires absolute reliance on God’s ability because it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who come to Him must believe that He is and He is a rewarded of them that diligently seek Him(Hebrew 11:6). It means that when we pray unto God, we recognize Almighty God’s love and power to direct man’s affairs. Thus, when we pray unto God, we are showing Him that we believe that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above whatever we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20-21). Jesus understood the importance of prayer when He admonished his disciples to pray without ceasing. For any relationship to survive, there is need for constant and effective communication. Jesus Christ, our perfect example did not only teach prayer, he prayed without ceasing. That is, a constant attitude of God-consciousness and God-surrender that we carry with us all the time. He retired to communicate with His Heavenly Father at night. He understood that communication is a necessity and He can only receive God’s power when He communicates with Him through prayer.

Furthermore, there are times that you add fasting to prayer (Matthew 6:16-18; Acts 13:2). When we fast, we bring our flesh to subjection so that we can hear Gods voice. Many times, God maynot change that situation but He will change you in the process. His goal is that Christ may be formed in us so that the life which is the light of men that He has deposited into us can shine forth and bring others to the knowledge of Him. The Holy Spirit helps us to pray (Romans 8:26-27). As we pray and look unto Him, something changes in us. We are not only asking for something; we are interacting with our heavenly Father who is interested in all that concerns us. Dear friends, I encourage you to pray this year. Pray for everything even if you think it is insignificant because God is interested in every aspect of your life.

Action Point: Praying without ceasing is the right way to relate to the God, so maintain a consistent prayer life.

Daily Confession: Lord Jesus thank you for the provision to communicate with You in prayer. Help me to pray without ceasing.

Intercessory prayer: Intercede for your family, friends, colleagues, organizations and nations etc

Hymn: What a friend we have in Jesus; All our sins and griefs to bear

And what a privilege to carry; Everything to God in prayer