Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
January 23rd 2022

Jesus is Coming Soon

For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 1 Thessalonians 5:2 [KJV]

Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Perhaps one of the criticisms against Christianity is that we claim Jesus is coming back again but He is yet to come. The fact that we do not know when He will come and He is yet to come does not mean He won’t come back again.

The second coming of Jesus Christ is at hand and every eye shall see for like a thief in the night, Jesus Christ will suddenly appear. His first coming was when He came in human form to die for the iniquity of humanity. Jesus Christ took our shame and sin and nailed it to the cross. Condemned and crucified but He resurrected and ascended into heaven. God gave us His only begotten Son that whosoever believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. I am not ashamed to tell you that Jesus Christ is coming soon. Anyone that is yet to give his life to Jesus Christ will not reign with Him. I remember Noah who beckoned on the people of His time to come into the ark for protection and be saved from the impending disaster (Matthew 24:37-39). Alas, no one listened: only Noah’s family members (Genesis 6-7) were saved from the flood.

In our Bible reading today, Apostle Paul admonished the Thessalonians about the coming of Jesus Christ. He mentioned the manner in which Jesus will come, like a thief in the night. It will be sudden. While some people are dinning and wining, suddenly, the trumpet will sound and Jesus will appear. Dear friends, Jesus Christ is coming soon, it is important that we remind ourselves of this truth so that as we continue in the journey of this year, we can focus on the right thing. The end of the world has come, our time here on earth is done and we are only counting few more seconds before the trumpet sounds. Jesus Christ spoke of the Day of His second coming: No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man (Matthew 24:36-37). Jesus is coming for the prepared, be prepared by giving your life to Him if you are yet to and if you have given your life to Jesus, live a holy and righteous life.

Self-Reflection: How prepared are you for the Lord’s second coming?

Daily Confession: Thank you Father for I do not belong to the night or to darkness, I have been translated into the kingdom of light and I will reign with you eternally.

Intercessory prayer: Pray for the salvation of your family members.

Hymn: Ho! my comrades, see the signal

Waving in the sky!

Reinforcements are now appearing,

Victory is nigh!

Hold the fort, for I am coming

Jesus signals still,

Wave the answer back to Heaven,

By your grace we will