Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
January 26th 2022

The Power of a Made-up Mind (III)

And if it seems evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15 [KJV]

Bible Reading: Joshua 24

Joshua shows us an example of what it means to have a made-up mind. A resolution to serve the Lord wholeheartedly. Joshua lived among a generation that grumbled and murmured against God (Numbers 14:2; 15:24; 16:2). Remember twelve spies were sent to the land of Canaan and only Joshua and Caleb returned with good news (Numbers 13:1-33). Joshua was the right-hand man of Moses, so when Moses died, Joshua took over and led the children of Israel to the Promised Land (Joshua 1). Joshua was not only resolute for himself; he was determined that his entire household will serve the Lord. Although after his death there arose a generation that did not know God (Judges 2:10), he accomplished the task of leading the stubborn Israelite and gave them their inheritance. One has to be resolute to achieve a vision because there are stumbling blocks and different distractions on the way. In the case of Joshua, he had to separate those that wanted to serve God and those that were not interested. Here’s the point today: There are times you need to separate yourself to achieve your purpose. This may mean that you have to change your sets of friends, or you have to learn to be by yourself without having to look for approval from others.

Joshua’s lifestyle teaches us that we have to decide on whose side we are on, Jesus or the world? And we have to get to the point when we can boldly say, no matter who agrees with me or who does not agree, we are going to love God.

Daily Confession: Lord Jesus thank you because you have given me freewill, help me to yield it totally unto you for your glory. I receive confidence to fulfill God’s purpose for my life in Jesusname, amen.

Intercessory prayer: Pray for the continent of Africa for God’s mercy.

Hymn: Lord lift me up and let me stand

By faith on heaven stable land

Higher plan that I am found

Lord plant my feet on higher ground.