Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
February 3rd 2022

He That Dwells (II)

Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place.Psalm 91:9

Bible Reading: Psalm 91:9-13

Yesterday, we started reflecting on Psalm 91. A scripture that outlines God’s promises to deliver, protect and secure His children. We noted that to dwell in the secret place of the Most Highmeans constantly seeking God’s love, comfort and protection. It is a choice that requires a conscious effort. Today, we want to reflect further on why God says He will protect and deliver His children.Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place (vs 9).

Our memory scripture today reminds me of the principle of causality. It is a principle I learnt in play writing class which refers to a genetic connection and relationship of phenomena through which one thing (the cause) under certain conditions gives rise to, causes something else (the effect). It recognizes that for any cause, there must be an effect. There is no effect without a cause. `Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place… then, there shall no evil befall you, neither shall any plague come nigh your dwelling (vs 10). You shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon you shall trample under feet (vs 13). This means you are secured from any evil, wickedness, deadly beasts, and pestilence etc. Isn`t this amazing?

There are times you need to take a step back and examine yourself – what effect am I experiencing in my life today that is a product of certain cause(s) I prompted in the past? For instance, when you give your life to Christ, that is a cause that has uncountable effects even till eternity. God revealing His mind through the psalmist helps us understand that there is always something good and positive when we make God our dwelling place.

Dear friends, it is important to consider the enormous benefits we receive when we dwell in God. Since you know there are benefits when you make God your habitation, then why will you not make Him your dwelling place?

Self-Reflection: It is wise to make God your dwelling place

Daily Confession: I am wise. I obey God’s word, I receive wise counsel and I make God my dwelling place.

Intercessory prayer: We pray for individuals and families seeking God’s direction about relocation, life partner, career, and other destiny matters. May they experience God’s divine direction in Jesus name.

Hymn: Oh God, our help in ages past

Our hope for years to come,

Our shelter from the stormy blast

And our eternal hope.