Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
April 29th 2022

Noisy World (I)

Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening”. 1 Samuel 3:10

Bible Reading: I Samuel 3

A while ago, I read an article on the extinction of some animal species. There are many reasons for this extinction including noise pollution. We have turned the earth into a noisy place! Our busy life, activities, and unsettled spirit continue to keep us from hearing God. Our inability to listen and to communicate effectively amplifies the noise. This type of lifestyle has been replicated in our relationship with God. God speaks continually but noise cuts us away from hearing God.

Just like Samuel, we run helter-skelter but the only thing we need is to acknowledge God when He speaks and give Him permission to speak to us. For instance, when you read God’s word or pray, be quiet enough to allow Him to speak to you. Do not be in a hurry to leave His Presence. Samuel’s experience reminds us that: God still speaks; however, we have to be still to hear Him. Dear friends, when we listen to God diligently, we can understand what He is communicating to us and this will be evident even in every aspect of our lives.

Self-Reflection: Although the world is noisy, how conducive is your own world to receiving from God?

Action Point: Do not be in a hurry to leave God’s presence when you are doing your devotion!

Daily Confession: Lord help me to maximize the potential of being still in your Presence.

Intercessory prayer: Pray for God’s help and leading for our children and youths as they grow in life.

Hymn: Jesus keep me near the cross

Just beyond the river

Free to all a healing stream

Flows from Calvary’s mountain