Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
May 14th 2022
Fishers of Men
They were casting a net into the lake for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men. (Matthew 4:18b-19)
Bible Reading: Matthew 4:18-22
It was not a coincidence that some of Jesus’ disciples were fishermen, namely Peter, his brother Andrew, Jamesson of Zebedee and his brother John. The ultimate intention was that His disciples would be fishers of men. Their job description moved from catching fishes to winning souls for the kingdom of God.
Although you are not a fisherman, do you know that you are a fisher of men? We have been given the mandate to evangelize the gospel of Christ Jesus. Through us, peopleshould come to the truth of Christ Jesus. How?
God’s kingdom advances when we understand that He has called us for His purpose beyond the four walls of the church. In your office, on the bus, in the school, at the market or supermarket and in life’s journey, we are to present the Person of Jesus Christ to people. Our field are our families, friends, colleagues, communities, and nations among others. Let the people come to the light of the gospel of Christ Jesus through our lives. Are you ready to be a fisher of men?
Self-Reflection: How much am I committed to evangelism?
Action Point: Preach the gospel today!
Daily Confession: Lord Jesus help me to follow Thy command in Jesus’ name.
Intercessory prayer: Pray for the children of missionaries for God’s sustaining grace.
Hymn: Go tell it on the mountain
Over the hills and everywhere,
Go tell it on the mountain
The Jesus Christ is Lord
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