Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
July 21st 2022

Divine Visitation (II)

And the Lord visited Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did unto Sarah as he had spoken. Genesis 21:1

Bible Reading: Exodus 3:7-10

Divine visitation brings divine intervention, and restoration (Joel 2:25-27). When God pays you a visit, there is divine revelation, wisdom, strength, understanding, help and blessing among others. In our reading today, Israelites cries reached God and God rescued them (Exodus 3:7-10).

Attitude is important to receive from God. For instance, while king Saul’s attitude was carefree, stubborn and disobedient, king David was careful, and humble (I Samuel 13; and 2 Samuel 12). Divine visitation is an act of God’s mercy and grace because it is not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 4:6). There is a need to continually acknowledge God’s help, and position yourself to receive it. When you pray to God genuinely in faith, it shows submission to God’s will, humility and recognition that you acknowledge God’s ability to show mercy and grace (Matthew 7:7; James 4:6; Romans 9:15). Furthermore, a deeper knowledge of God’s word (2 Peter 1:3-4); and trust in God are essential attitudes to encounter divine visitation. Like the Children of Israel in our reading today, beloved, I encourage you to call upon God today for a divine encounter you desire.

Self-Reflection: Divine visitation is an act of mercy and grace from God

Daily Confession: Lord, I need your help, please visit me today and help me.

Intercessory prayer: Father, visit my neighbour today and show them your goodness.

Song: He is able, abundantly able

To deliver, and to save,

He is able, abundantly able

To deliver those who trust in Him.