Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
July 24th 2022

In the Last Days

For the time will come when men will not put with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 2 Timothy 3

Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 2:12-36

Prophet Samuel ’s life is highly revealing, rewarding, and inspiring. I invite us to carefully examine the time he lived especially because it has similarities in many ways to the present time.

Firstly, Prophet Samuel was dedicated to God. Although his mother took him to Shiloh as a child which meant that he had no say in the decision, when he grew up, he decided to remain dedicated to God. Unlike Hophini and Phineas who chose to act contrary to God’s commands even though their father was a prophet, Prophet Samuel chose to follow God. This is important because salvation is a personal decision; regardless of your background, experience, and culture, you have to personally take the decision to follow Jesus Christ. It doesn’t matter if your parents are Christians, pastors, or you have been dedicated unto God from childhood, personal decision for God is necessary.

Also, Eli’s sons had set a standard contrary to God’s word that Prophet Samuel had the choice to emulate. As a Christian, do your standards align with the word of God? Many Christians want to join the world, rather than stand up for Jesus. In our Bible reading today, prophet’s sons qualified and earned the title‚ sons of Belial (meaning worthless and wicked). Hophini and Phineas were called sons of Belial because of the measure and gravity of evil they perpetuated. I can imagine the chaos, disorder, and evil caused; the pain, inhumanity, unfairness and suffering Eli’s sons melted on the Israelites through their nefarious acts. Through their actions, it was possible they led many people astray. These were the realities that Prophet Samuel lived in and grappled with, yet he refused to compromise his stand for God.

Although you may not have lived centuries ago like Prophet Samuel, but it sounds there are lots of similarities with this present time. In the last days, people will be self-lovers, arrogant, abusive, lovers of money, embrace lustful cravings and ungodliness. The question is what will you embrace in this present time?

Daily Confession: Lord Jesus, I receive grace to stand for You till the end.

Intercessory prayer: Lord Jesus strengthen those who are about to compromise their faith.

Hymn: Thou my everlasting portion

More than friend or life to me

All along my pilgrim’s journey

Saviour, let me walk with Thee.