Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
November 2nd 2022
Only Remembered
No window may be put on the list of widows unless she is over sixty, has been faithful to her husband, and is well known for her good deeds, such as bringing up children, showing hospitality, washing the feet of the saints, helping those in trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds. I Timothy 5:9-10
Bible Reading: I Timothy 5
One of the themes emphasized in this chapter is responsibility. Apostle Paul offered advice on how to care for the vulnerable population in the church such as widows and elders. In his godly counsel, Timothy is admonished to respectfully interact with older men and tenderly treat both older and younger women with absolute purity. This instruction aligns with God’s instruction to honour our parents (not only our biological parents) with a promise of longevity. God favoured Timothy to have chosen him to be a minister over people that were older than him and he needed to take caution in his interaction with them. Thus, humility, respect, and absolute purity should be exemplified in our daily relationships and interactions.
Furthermore, Paul laid out instructions on how to administer welfare to elderly widows in need. Beyond the age requirement of a widow to be on the church’s welfare list, a major benchmark for the church to consider is how responsible the widow is when s/he was young. In retrospect, what you reap today is largely determined by what you sowed yesterday. Your action today goes into record and it becomes history tomorrow. I can imagine those widows that were not known for good deeds, hospitality, or the rendering of assistance to those in need etc, such widows may suffer when they grow old. Apostle Paul was encouraging good deeds among God’s children so that their good works can bring glory to their heavenly Father. No matter how little the task you are handling, diligently pay attention to it, and be helpful unto others because God remembers, and honours our good deeds. And you are only remembered for what you have done.
Self-Reflection: You reap what you sow.
Daily Confession: I am responsible. I sow godly seeds into my tomorrow. I follow the godly counsel and produce the right actions that will give glory to God and profit my life.
Intercessory prayer: Pray that God will keep and sustain His church. Pray for your local assembly.
Hymn: Only remembered by what we have done
Thus would we pass from the earth
And its toiling
Only remembered by what
We have done
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