Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
January 18th 2023
At Your Word: Concluding Words
Simon replied, “Master, we worked hard all night [to the point of exhaustion] and caught nothing [in our nets], but at Your word, I will [do as you say and] lower the nets [again].” Luke 5:5
Bible Reading: Luke 5:5-11
To conclude this series, I would like us to return to the story we started with in Luke 5. Simon trusted Jesus’ word even when it did not make any sense. His faith in Jesus’ word motivated him to respond with the necessary action. Faith is active. You act according to God’s word because He said it. Also, we have to start taking our words seriously. We cannot afford to be untruthful in words and in conduct. Dear friends, let’s first surrender our lives to Jesus and train ourselves to trust, obey, and follow Jesus Christ in His words.
Daily Confession: Lord help me to trust you and follow your word in Jesus’ name.
Intercessory prayer: I pray for unction, wisdom and anointing for the leaders in my church in Jesus’ name.
Hymn: Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
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