Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
January 20th 2023

The Help We Need (II)

I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. Psalm 121:1

Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 15:31-37

Yesterday we focused on the help of God. May the Lord help you. May you experience the help of God. These prayers may look simple, but if God does not help you, nobody can. If God, by His mercy, does not supply all the spiritual blessings you need, the help of man will be useless and unproductive. So again, I pray, may God help you.

Today, we want to focus on the help of God through men. You need the help of men. God will not come down from heaven to help you, He will use man and every earthly channel at His disposal. I run away from arrogant people who undervalue relationships and trivialize people. As anointed as Paul was, he needed the help of Barnabas and, later, Silas. In our Bible reading today, King David had witnessed firsthand the help Ahitophel’s counsel can bring, so King David prayed only one prayer, that God would thwart the counsel of Ahitophel because whoever Ahitophel helps has hit the jackpot. I pray for God to send you destiny helpers who will support you in fulfilling your destiny. Dear friends, pray for God’s help, respect people, build good relationships and be a helper to others. May God bless and raise help for you from every corner of the world in Jesus’ name.

Daily Confession: I pray for destiny helpers for my life in Jesus’ name.

Intercessory prayer: Pray for God to raise destiny helpers for my friends, colleagues, neighbours etc.

Hymn: My help (x3)

All of my help cometh from the Lord.