Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
February 26th 2023
Christ Lives in Me (II)
If we [claim to] live by the [Holy] Spirit, we must also walk by the Spirit [with personal integrity, godly character, and moral courage– our conduct empowered by the Holy Spirit]” (Galatians 5:25, AMP).
Bible Reading: John 14:!6
God’s call for Christians is to live for Him. Living for God entails surrendering unto Him and pleasing Him in all things and at all times. The Bible is full of many examples of men and women who lived for God in their generation. From the Bible, we would see that these were ordinary men who through God’s help did extraordinary things for God. David is an example of a man who truly lived for God. In Psalm 19:14, he writes “let the words of my heart and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, o Lord.” David understood that to live for God, our hearts must be right with Him, God looks at the heart. No wonder God called David a man after His own heart. When we surrender our lives to Jesus and we invite Jesus into our hearts, He transforms us and empowers us to live for Him. No one can live for God by his strength, it takes the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to live for God. John 14:16, 26 says that the Holy Spirit will dwell within us and He will teach us all things.
Another way that Christ can live in us and we live for God is by allowing God’s word to dwell richly in our hearts. God’s word is powerful and is life, daily abiding in His word keeps us connected to God and we know His will per time. If we fail to live for God then we are either living for ourselves or for the devil which has unpleasant consequences. Like Joshua, make a vow to live for God today.
Daily Confession: May we be rooted and grounded in God’s word daily.
Intercessory Prayer: Thank God for Nigeria’s election. Pray that God will perfect what He has started.
Hymn: Look and live my brother live
Look to Jesus Christ and live
It’s recorded in His Word Halleluyah
It is only that you look and live.
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