By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)

Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’

April 27th 2023

Magnify the Lord
O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together (Psalm 34:3)
Bible Reading: Psalm 136
God deserves our praises. We have to extol and magnify His name forever. He is God who reigns. He is faithful, reliable and dependable. He can be trusted because He does not say a thing and not bring it to pass.
In our Bible reading today, the children of Israel identified certain miracles God did for them. They praised Him for every thing He did. They counted their blessings one by one and thank God for it. Dear friends, we need to praise the Lord. To magnify means to amplify and make something appear bigger or larger. There’s no way we can magnify God beyond who He is. How do you magnify the Lord? Start counting your blessings and thank Him for them. Do not keep quiet, rather speak of God’s faithfulness and testify to His unfailing love. Also, lift high the name of the Lord. Acknowledge Him for who He is and let your praises flow unto Him.
Action point: Identify God’s blessings in your life and thank Him for them.
Intercessory prayer: Pray for inmates in the prison for God to encounter them.
Hymn: Magnify the Lord with me
Exalt the name of Jesus
Magnify the Lord with me
Exalt the name of Jesus.