Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
July 15th 2023

A Grateful Heart
The Lord is my strength and my [impenetrable] shield; my heart trusts [with unwavering confidence] in him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song I shall thank Him and praise him. (Psalm 28:7, AMP)
Bible Reading: Psalm 28
The year remains 5 months and few weeks. I cannot believe the first half has gone by so fast! I am grateful for God’s faithfulness. He has been my Shepherd, strength, shield, and life’s source. I have every reason to be grateful because God is good. I have tasted and seen that God is good. My bubbling joy is not based on any material thing, rather, it is based on the fact that He is God and to Him, I owe my life. It is established on the fact that without Him, I am nothing but with Him, I am everything He wants me to be. I am grateful because I was created to worship Him. I am alive, and as long as there is breath in me, I will praise God. Dear friends, I encourage you to be grateful to God for everything. I have chosen gratitude — not because my goals have been achieved or my expectations have been met, or I have everything I need. I deliberately decided to thank God at all times because I have entered my rest in Him. No matter what, He deserves everything and owns everything (Romans 11:36). Praise the name of the Lord!
Action Point: Spend quality time thanking God.
Intercessory prayer: Praise God for His faithfulness over your nation.
Song: *Glory to the Lord
Worship himThe God of our salvationGlory to the LordHonor him, He reignsHe rules the nationsHe is righteous and worthyTo be worshiped and adoredLift your voices and giveGlory to the Lord
*From Don Moen’s song, Glory to the Lord