Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
August 24th 2023

Keep the Fire Alive!

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Romans 12:11

Bible Reading: Judges 14

Although Samson had flaws, he was one of the zealous characters in the Bible. His zeal was instrumental to his victories. Anytime the spirit of the Lord came upon him, his zeal was alive, refreshed, renewed and refocused. He single-handedly killed thousands of philistines during his life time. In his achievement, he ranked significantly with David’s mighty men. Zeal is important in keeping our passion alive. Zeal or enthusiasm plays an important role in many aspects of our lives. For instance, if you get to an office, it is easy to notice staff member working with zeal and enthusiasm and those working without it. Zeal is a lubricant that helps one function well. It also set people apart. Even God has zeal (Isaiah 9:7), Isn’t that wonderful? No wonder his faithfulness is new every morning.

When your spiritual fervor is alive you will never give in to weariness, and distraction. It is important that you keep things new and fresh in your life and in your relationship with God. Apostle Paul’s instruction is timely because there is need to encourage Christians across the world to keep their faith alive. “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrew 12:2a). Next time you notice that you are losing your zeal for God, remember that the Holy Spirit has been generously given to us. Call on the name of Jesus and trust the empowerment that comes from the Holy Spirit of God.

Self-Reflection: The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish that which God approves.

Daily Confession: Lord I receive strength for my weakness, and grace to carry me through the journey ahead. I am zeal for God based on right knowledge.

Intercessory prayer: Lord ignite the fire of our youths so that they can zealous for God.

Hymn: I’ll sing of the wonderful promise

That Jesus has given to me;

My strength is made perfect in weakness,

My grace is sufficient for thee.

And lest my poor heart should forget it,

Or ever forgetful should be,

He still keeps repeating the promise,

My grace is sufficient for thee.