Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
September 13th 2023

When God is Silent (I)

Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sin have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear. Isaiah 59:1-2 (NIV)

Bible Reading: Isaiah 59

There are times it may seems God is silent especially when we are passing through hard times and we have prayed expecting God’s spontaneous response concerning that situation. Also, it may be that we want to take a decision and we earnestly await God’s instruction, and direction but it seems God is silent. The truth is God can be silent in some situations due to some reasons and it is possible God is speaking through His silence but we are not hearing what He is saying. For the next few days, let’s consider why it seems God is silent on us.

God’s intention is that His creation should communicate and fellowship freely with Him. Even after the fall of Man, God intervened through different ways such as worship, offering of sacrifices, and the Levitical priesthood to stand before God representing God’s children among others. Despite these provisions, God wasn’t satisfied because the total redemption of humanity was the ultimate. Hence, the provision we have in Christ Jesus!

In today’s reading the first reason to consider when God is silent is SIN. God never sleeps nor slumber (Psalm 121:3-4); however, at times sin keeps us away from Him. It keeps us from hearing Him. What sin is causing God to be silent over your situation? What unrighteousness is rooted in your life that has become part of your life? Are you like Joshua the high priest who was filthy and disconnected Him from God due to the garment of unrighteousness that was on Him? Thank God for mercy that found Joshua the high priest!

Sin disconnects us from God; it forms a void and creates distance between us and God. This was evidenced when Adam fell. God’s nature departed from him and God had to search for Adam in the Garden. This is the same for anyone who live in sin; even when God is speaking, He cannot hear and when God knows that a man cannot hear Him, then, what is the point of speaking? King Saul is an example of someone who was totally disconnected from God because of the sin of disobedience. He wanted to hear from God but a huge gap has been created already due to his disobedience, and wrong choices so he devised an alternative; he consulted the witch of En Dor (1 Samuel 28:3-25). Until a man comes to amend his ways by taking a decision to walk with God absolutely and forsake the life of sin, God will do nothing but remain silent. Dear brethren, God desires holiness and righteousness because without it, no man can see the Lord.

Self-Reflection: Is it sin that has made God silent over your life?

Action Point: Examine yourself! Accept Jesus Christ today and follow Him in holiness.

Daily Confession: Lord thank You for your faithfulness, I plead for mercy in areas where I have been disobedient and kept out of my life. I give you full access into my life.

Intercessory prayer: I pray for deliverance for anyone struggling in sin

Hymn: Behold, what love, what boundless love

The Father hath bestowed on sinners lost

That we should be now called the “sons of God”.