Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
September 23rd 2023

Still Defining Love

“Love endures long and is patient and kind…” – I Cor. 13:4 [AMP]

Bible Reading: 1 Cor. 13:4-8

Defining things brings focus, understanding and help us know what we claim we know. We know what it is and what it is not. Defining love is defining life! Defining love means seeing this divine nature from the Divinity’s perspective because God is the author of love; He is love and love is the source of life. Apostle Paul identified extreme activities that in human understanding, one can easily and quickly assume for love. On the surface these activities have the form of love but denying the power and nature therein. He identified the character of love. These attributes include patience, kindness, humility, tolerance, perseverance, self-sacrifice and trust worthiness.

The law of love is the law of service. Love is about making; rendering service, paying sacrifice for others to be made. In the making process, we build others to our stature and even desire more for them. Love gives all; it’s about service, service-oriented and not lordship. It is about fellowship and genuine relationship; fellows in the same ship; men that choose to seek serving others. They understand that the way to greatness is simply to serve others (Mark 10:43-45). They are ready to support people and make them work in the right way for a better tomorrow.

God is our perfect example. He gave His only begotten son Jesus CHRIST because He SO loved us. When the bible says that “God SO loved the world…” it speaks of the intensity of God’s love towards humanity. He still seeks for fellowship which is rooted in love.

So check your life, your relationship: Is it characterized by the nature of God described above? Change is required for you to get it right.

Action Point: Choose to love

Self-Reflection: Why do I find it difficult to love God and to love others?

Daily Confession: I have the Spirit of God in me, so I love God and love my neighbour as myself and I’m obedient.

Intercessory prayer: Help Your church to love even the unlovable.

Hymn: How deep the Father’s love for us,

How vast beyond all measure,

That He should give His only son

To make a wretch His treasure…