Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
October 16th 2023

Selfless Love (III)

Love your neighbour as you love yourself – Matthew 22:39 [NIV]

Bible Reading: I John 3:11-19

For days now, we have been studying love values and why it is vital to our Christian faith. We will focus on Jesus’ second commandment: love your neighbour as yourself (horizontal). Certain persons under Old Covenant lived the life of the New Testament. Such persons include Abraham, Jonathan and David. For instance, in the aspect of love, Jonathan lived a life of love. He was selfless and sacrificially gave unto David without any reservation. Abraham lived a life of faith and David lived a life of worship and a thorough walk with God. In fact, a classical example of God’s kind of love in the Old Testament existed between David and Jonathan. The Bible recorded Jonathan “For he [Jonathan] loved him [David] as he loved his own soul [1 Sam. 20:17].

Jonathan and David’s relationship was sacrificial. Sacrifice is a price we have to pay for love. Through sacrifice, we get rid of selfishness. Both Jonathan and David knew that love should be the heartbeat of any friendship. This also means that sacrifice and reciprocity should be a non-negotiable basis of friendship. Such a gesture will help build safety and security which are foundational to any long-lasting relationship. Friends sacrifice for friends.

The truest intention of every true love is in making the other. This is because love finds pleasure in giving rather than receiving. In fact, marital relationships should understand this principle so that both parties involved can enjoy their home. Understand God’s command today: love your neighbour just as yourself. Let it be that you do unto others only what you want others to do unto you. In thought, words and actions let love be the motivating factor; seek to make others, contribute meaningfully to their lives and live to please God. When you follow the JOY principle of JESUS, OTHERS and YOU, then you are selfless. If love aims at building others and making an impact, then seek to love today.

Self-Reflection: Love not in words but in deeds.

Daily Confession: Lord, let my life reflect the love of Christ that through me, others may come to Jesus. Amen

Action Point: Show God’s love through your actions.

Intercessory prayer: May God help us to show the love of Christ daily.

Hymn: Let others see Jesus in you,

Let others see Jesus in you,

Keep telling the story, be faithful and true;

Let others see Jesus in you.