Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
January 28th 2024

Prayer is the Best Work

Epaphras, who is one of you and a bond-servant of Christ Jesus, sends you greetings. He is always striving for you in his prayers, praying with genuine concern, [pleading] that you may [as people of character and courage] stand firm, [spiritually mature] and fully assured in all the will of God. For I testify for him that he has worked strenuously for you and for the believers in Laodicea and those in Hierapolis. Colossians 4:12-13, AMP

Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

While growing up, we learnt that prayer is the master key. There is a song we use to sing at Sunday School, “prayer is the key, prayer is the master key, Jesus started with prayer and ended with prayer, prayer is the master key.” Prayer is not only the master key, it is crucial to our walk with God and it is the best work. If prayer is not important, we won’t be instructed to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16).

In today’s memory verse, Apostle Paul highlighted a man named Epaphras. Epaphras was a believer and he spent time working, labouring or wrestling in the place of prayer. He was an intercessor who prayed fervently, intentionally, consistently and seriously for the Colossians that they will be complete and perfect in the will of God. If Epaphras work of prayer was not important, he would not have been mentioned. Through his prayer, he made significant contribution to the body of Christ. Through prayer, he laboured. He exerted energy to pray. He focused in intercession. Dear friends, the best work prayer because it has both earthly and eternal value. Apart from the fact that you are in constant fellowship with you Heavenly father, through prayer, you take charge of the earthly realm through the spiritual. My question to you today is this: are you praying?

Daily Confesion: I receive teh spirit of supplication and the grace to pray as the Holy Spirit directs and prompts me.

Intercessory prayer: Pray for the people in your life who are struggling with issues such as addiction, loneliness, depression and mental health.

Hymn: Oh, how praying rests the weary!

Prayer will change the night to day.

So, when life gets dark and dreary,

Don’t forget to pray.

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