Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
March 15th 2024

Prayer is the Key (V)

The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much. James 5:16

Bible Reading: Daniel 6

Yesterday we started a study on Daniel within our prayer series. Daniel’s prayer was instrumental to the revelation of historical prophecy and the prediction of future cosmic and political upheavals. Daniel’s dedication to prayer was put to the test when a decree was made that no one should pray to God for thirty days. Rather, all prayers should be prayed to king Darius. Daniel disagreed with this decree so he continued to pray to the Almighty God three times as usual. His enemies (his jealous colleagues) reported to the king and this took Daniel to the den of lions. God rescued Daniel and through that incident, a new law was made that exalted and glorified the Almighty God. Daniel made some profound statements one of them was they that know their God shall be strong and they shall do exploit (Daniel 11:32). Among many other things, Daniel’s life challenges me to examine my prayer life more closely. Daniel was consistent in prayer due to his devotion to God. Our prayer life should be a by-product of our love and commitment to God. With this understanding, spiritual activities such as prayer won’t be ritualistic or legalistic. Rather, our lives will be like Daniel who prayed thrice daily because he loved God.  Secondly, Daniel sacrificed his comfort and reputation in defence of his faith and prayer life. If I truly want to make prayer a life style, it will cost me something. What am I willing to sacrifice for the purpose of fellowshiping with God in prayer? Thirdly, Daniel had faith in God and his faith meant throwing all in for God. He was ready to die for His belief. No wonder God honored Him. Daniel became a great administrator for three generations of kings. God gave him wisdom, worked the miraculous through him and used Daniel to advance His agenda for the people of Israel. Dear friends, ponder on these things!

Action Point: Spend one hour praying for various things in your life today.

Daily Confession: I receive grace for supplication in Jesus name.

Intercessory prayer: I pray for renewal of faith and hope for anyone who may have given up on life and on faith.

Hymn: Oh, how praying rests the weary!

Prayer will change the night to day.

So, when life gets dark and dreary,

Don’t forget to pray.

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