Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
April 10th 2024

God’s Faithfulness (II)

Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. Lamentations 3:23 NLT

Bible Reading: Lamentations 3:22-27

We have established that God is faithful in all things and to all people. He sends rain on the just and unjust (Matthew 5:45). The evidence of God’s faithfulness is around us daily. What’s the implication of knowing that God is faithful?

First, we have to acknowledge God’s faithfulness in our lives.  To acknowledge is to recognize something, in this case, God’s faithfulness. When we recognize, we give glory and honour to whom it is due. This leads to showing gratitude.

Secondly, being grateful unto God shows that we appreciate Him for what He has done and He is doing in our lives. Beyond this, it means we ascribe all glory and honor due to Him. God will not share His glory with anyone.

Thirdly, God’s faithfulness can strengthen our faith in God’s ability to bring His words to pass in our lives. On many occasions, God instructed the Israelities to remember the miracles they encountered during their exodus out of Egypt so that in difficult times, the people of Israel can remember God’s faithfulness. Testimonies are powerful way to keep our faithful alive and active.

Finally, God’s faithfulness remind us of who God is. He is the Almighty God who rules in the affairs of man. The psalmist puts it thus: “The earth is the LORD’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein” (Psalm 24:1)

Action Point: Spend time to praise God.

Daily Confession: Lord I am grateful for your faithfulness over my life.

Intercessory Prayer: Lord reveal your faithfulness to as many who are trusting you for breakthrough in Jesus name.

Hymn: Great is Thy faithfulness (×2)

Morning by morning new mercies I see

All I have needed Thy hand has provided

Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me.

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