Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
July 10th, 2024

Empty Your Alabaster Box (III)

I assure you and most solemnly say to you, wherever this gospel [of salvation] is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told in memory of her [for her act of love and devotion].”                      Matthew 26:13, AMP

Bible Reading: Matthew 26:13

To bring this series to a close, I invite us to reflect more closely on today’s memory verse. Posterity will remember Mary Magdalene for her gesture of service. Like Jesus said, anywhere the gospel is preached, her deeds will be told in memory of her. Her act of love, generosity, dedication and devotion has given her a place in history. Heaven and earth will remember her story. She was the only one who anointed Jesus before His death, crucifixion and resurrection. Our act of worship, love, serve, sacrifice and devotion can make an indelible impact in someone’s life. Our token of gifts to show that we care may encourage someone to remain in Christ. Many years ago, someone shared with me an experience— he bought a mini computer for himself. As he was about to use it, he said he felt the Lord telling him that the gadget was to be a gift to someone else. He packed it up and waited for the Lord’s instruction. A few weeks later, the Holy Spirit directed him to who to give. Little did he know that he was answering this person’s prayer. Some years after this exchange, the person he gave the gadget to contacted him to thank him for the gift and opened up to him how the gift of the mini-computer was an encouragement throughout school. Dear friends, may we receive the grace to give and bless others because everything we do should be done as unto the Lord.

Daily Confession: Lord I give myself unto You. I lay it all at your feet for the glory and the honour of your name. Amen

Intercessory Prayer: I pray for God’s provision and protection over families during this season.

Hymn: I surrender all,

I surrender all,

Unto Thee my blessed Saviour,

I surrender all.

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