Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
May 11th 2021

A Diligent Seeking
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Heb.11:6
Bible Reading: Matthew 6:33
From our anchor Scripture, God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. It means God won’t reward those that seek Him haphazardly because God’s standard of diligence cannot be compromised. What’s the implication of the word “diligence” in seeking God? To be ‘diligent’ means to perform with intense concentration, determination, commitment, focus and responsible regard.
In this context, ‘diligently’ is an adverb modifying the verb ‘seek’. Hence, it means: careful and conscious effort in carrying out a task or duty effectively – (and that duty is SEEKING GOD). There is an element of consistency, perseverance, passion and focus regardless of the sacrifice. This means it is not a day event or a onetime event, seeking the Lord isn’t something to gloss over or something done hurriedly, rather, it is a lifetime commitment. Seeking the Lord is a deliberate, intentional, persistent action or series of activities taken with serious heartedness.
Seeking is a continuous present tense. It is from one phase to another, you can’t get all of God in a day. God is even too big to be received even in a man’s life time, but the reward is worth its seeking. Diligence involves embracing right knowledge and ability to be patient. Therefore, the question is this: Are you diligent in seeking God? How committed are you in your search to know and seek God? Starting with your daily devotion to other spiritual exercises, how diligent are you? Remember you are to do all things as unto the Lord – so in everything let diligence speak and that’s only when you can get the reward from God.
Self-Reflection: Diligence is an essential ingredient in achieving excellence in life and even in our walk with God. Am I diligent in my walk with God and in what I am doing?
Daily Confession: Lord, help me to be diligent in my pursuit of You and in my pursuit in life.
Action Point: Identify those things that are not making you to be diligent and prayerfully get rid of them.
Hymn: Guide me O, Thou great Jehovah,
Pilgrim through this barren land;
I am weak but Thou art mighty;
Hold me with Thy powerful hand
Bread of heaven
Feed me till I want no more