Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
May 13th 2021

A Generation of God-seekers 
This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah Psalm 24:6
Bible Reading:  Psalm 24:5-6
We are blessed when we choose to follow Jesus Christ. At the end of the day, we enjoy the benefits of living according to the dictates of the Lord. We may experience discomfort and suffering but ‘our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that outweighs them all’ (2 Corinthians 4:17). Beyond physical blessings, there are spiritual blessings. Do you want to speak of the peace of mind? The presence of God and His leading in our lives as we walk closely with Him per time? The reality is that anyone who seek God with clean hands and pure hearts will see the Lord. God promises are yes and amen. Here are some examples: ‘in the presence of God there is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasure forevermore’ (Psalm 16:11), God satisfies us with good things (Psalm 103:5) and we are never put to shame when we look to Him (Psalm 34:5). Isn’t it amazing that God is for us and He is never against us? It is refreshing and trusting to know that God’s instructions at the end of the day will make our life better and fulfilling.
Many people in our generation are living contradictory to the above. It seems  it is a generation that does not honour or obey God. Many wants to be in control of their lives, thus they have refused to submit to the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a lawless generation, a generation where holiness and righteousness have become relative terms, hence, open to different interpretations. In Apostle Paul’s word to Timothy, we are in the last days, and perilous times have come, and many have become loves of their own selves.
Dear friends, the cry of my heart is that this generation may seek God wholeheartedly regardless of what may be happening around. I am constantly challenged by the lives of Noah, Joseph, Daniel and even Lot who lived in generations of wickedness but they lived for God. They sought after God with their lives. They loved God. Loving God became their devotion, mission, vocation, profession, and passion. As we reflect on these words today, can we intercede in prayer for our generation and ask for God’s mercy because it seems we are making choices that do not honour God. Let’s pray that we may be God’s ambassadors in our generation and God will help us raise others for Him who will constantly live in the consciousness of God’s presence everyday of their lives.
Action Point: Intercede for your family, your friends, our leaders and this generation at large
Song: Almighty God
Almighty God
O my generation shall praise your name
O my generation shall praise your name.