Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
August 14th 2021

A Heart of Worship (VII)
‘…Sing a new song unto the Lord’ (Psalm 98:1)
Bible Reading: Psalm 98:1-9
To conclude this series, I would like to do a recap of our reflections so far.
First, worship is not a mere act, rather it is a lifestyle; an art and an act that is spirit-led and deeply rooted in the word of God. True worship is in knowing the Person of Jesus Christ. It starts with accepting the redemptive work of Jesus on the Cross.
Also, it involves presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto the Lord. In our reflections, to be a living sacrifice means to be dead to sin but alive in Christ through the power of the Cross. It means dead to the flesh but alive to righteousness. Apostle Paul puts it thus: ‘And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness’ (Roman’s 8:10 KJV).
Furthermore, a heart of worship is God-centered. Sacrifice is an essential part of worship but such sacrifice is rendered in spirit and in truth. And the outward expression of worship such as music, lifestyle, character etc becomes an opportunity to worship God faithfully.
Finally, dear friends God desire true relationship with us because He loves us and that’s why He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christs to reconcile us back to God so that we may worship in spirit and in truth.
Daily Confession: Heavenly Father thank you for loving me so much. And for seeking relationship with me to worship you in spirit and in truth.
Intercessory prayer: I encourage you today to pray for someone who you know is passing through a challenging time.
Action point: Sing a song unto the Lord as you worship.