Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
July 23rd 2022

A Walk with God: Lessons from Prophet Samuel (II)

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take his cross, and follow me. Matthew 16:24 (NKJV)

Bible Reading: I Samuel 3


One of the costs of discipleship is self-denial. It is a life of no-compromise, and‚ no-looking back. Yesterday, we briefly summarized Prophet Samuel’s walk with God and realized that he was totally sold out to God. Although raised in a perverse generation and among persons that had potential to influence him negatively, yet he stood for God.

I’d love to draw our attention to Prophet Samuel’s action that showed where his heart dwelt. “And ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God was, and Samuel was laid down to sleep” (I Samuel 3:3). It was easy for Samuel to hear when God called him because he stayed where he could hear the call. His abode was where he could be instructed aright‚ God’s very presence. Remember the ark of God represent God’s presence. In fact, wherever God’s ark is taken to, the people or nation must experience God’s visitation whether positively or otherwise. Prophet Samuel made it a habit to sleep close to the ark of God even if it was a huge risk, and lonely, because he desired God, he was there alone.

In essence, Samuel’s heart dwelt with God. Where your treasure lies, there your heart lies. Samuel denied himself of cravings, and benefits as enjoyed by Eli’s sons. He paid the price of being alone with God. He sought God and lived for Him. Are you where you can hear God whenever He speaks? Are you under the right teaching and in the midst of people who can edify you? When you are alone, do you maintain that relationship with God regardless of the cost?

At KSi, we encourage you to ponder on these questions and embrace God’s call unto a deeper fellowship with Him.

Daily Confession: Lord help me to embrace You, a deeper walk with You and live as Your true disciple.

Intercessory prayer: Lord strengthen those who are being persecuted because of their faith in You in Jesus name, amen.

Hymn: Take me deeper,

Deeper in love with you

Jesus hold me close in Your embrace

Take me deeper

Deeper than I’ve ever been before

I just want to love you more and more

How I love to be deeper in love