Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
January 16th 2022

Alone with God

But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. Luke 5:16 [NIV]

Bible Reading: Mark 1:35-39

Todays world is of no doubt a jet age. Everyone seems to be in motion- making every minute count just to make ends meet. We get so carried away with activities all day and fall dead asleep all night forgetting that the most important thing in life is to commune with our Maker. Today’s passage shows how Jesus worked till sunset healing the sick and driving out demons yet He still withdrew himself early the next morning to a solitary place to pray. If Jesus who was already performing miracles deliberately prayed, then it’s not an option if we must successfully finish this Christian race.

During my study in a new country, it became so difficult to have a quality time with God in the morning as it was my custom due to the rigorous academic activity. Of course, I knew it was going to be a problem if I did nothing about it. This is because God had taught me faith sustaining lessons during these life changing moments. Now that I am far from home, I had to learn a new strategy if I would ever survive. God gave me wisdom to break my usual quality time with him into smaller bits at different intervals. With this strategy, I read the scriptures and prayed late nights before going to sleep after a busy day. When I wake up, I take some little time again to pray. When I am free after a lecture, I also go into the quiet university chapel to worship, study and pray before the next lecture. Although they were shorter moments compared to my usually long morning session, the strategy was very effective and the short moments altogether even became longer than my usual time with God. When God sees the willingness in your heart to seek Him, He gives you strength and wisdom to make it happen.

Self-Reflection: Early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up and slipped out to a solitary place to pray

Action Point: Take a deliberate step from today to be alone with God

Daily Confession: I receive the grace to seek You and be alone with God today. I shut every door of distraction and I embrace discipline in Jesus name.

Intercessory prayer: Pray for students in universities, polytechnics and other tertiary institutions to meet Jesus

Hymn: Sweet hour of prayer!

Sweet hour of prayer!

That calls me from a world of care,

And bids me at my Father’s throne,

Make all my wants and wishes known