Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
November 21st 2022
Arise and Work
He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap. Ecclesiastes 11:4
Bible Reading: Matthew 25:14-30
When I was growing up, my mother told us a story about tortoises. Tortoise owned a piece of land but no one really cared about tortoise or his land. Tortoise would brag about his land to the people and other villagers will laugh at the tortoise. The reason why no one cared was that he did not plant anything on his land. He would complain about the weather. ‘It is sunny today so I can’t go out to work because of my shell’; ‘I don’t like rain either it does not help my mobility etc. Tortoise would complain and give excuses. When it was a season of harvest, he had nothing to harvest. Tortoise sowed lies and excuses and he reaped hunger.
As Christians, we are not doing our faith any good if we are full of excuses and we are not achieving what we are meant to achieve. We have been called to lead a Christ-like life. This means we have to arise and shine; it means we have to show forth the glory of God, and we have to be hardworking. For instance, we are called to make disciples of all nations. Making disciples is not a task for the lazy. It requires hard work and developing a closer walk with God daily. It involves being sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
Our Bible reading today is a popular scripture; it is a story of three servants given talents by their master. Their master gave them talents according to the capacity of each one and we know from the story that two servants that were given five and two talents worked and made profits with their talents while the last servant who was given one talent buried it. The talent yielded nothing and he abused his master for reaping where he has not sown.
Dear friends, are you like the tortoise that has a piece of land but is full of excuses to plant on it? Or are you like the first two servants who worked hard and made profits with their talents?
Daily Confession: Lord Jesus help me to be faithful and diligent in my work so that I can shine forth the light of Christ Jesus.
Intercessory prayer:
Hymn: All that I am, all that I do,
All that I’ll ever have, I offer now to you.
All that I dream, all that I pray,
All that I’ll ever make, I give to you today.
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