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So far ksi has created 400 blog entries.

Messy but Beautiful (IV)

By |2021-08-04T22:12:48+01:00August 4th, 2021|Daily Devotional|

Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’ By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi) August 4th 2021 Messy but Beautiful (IV) '...Trust in the Lord...Proverbs 3:5a [NKJV] Bible Reading: Proverbs 3:5-6 One of the things I love about the Bible is that it is a real book full of mess that God turned into something beautiful. For instance, God called Abraham out of his father's country to a new place. God brought Abraham from [...]

Messy but Beautiful (III)

By |2021-08-03T23:15:51+01:00August 3rd, 2021|Daily Devotional|

Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’ By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi) August 3rd 2021 Messy but beautiful (III) '...And He shall give you another comforter know...' John 14:16 [NKJV] Bible Reading: John 14:16-18 God reconciled man to Himself through Jesus Christ. He did not stop there. He sent the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. Here's what Jesus said: 'And I will pray the Father, and [...]

Messy but Beautiful (II)

By |2021-08-02T05:02:37+01:00August 2nd, 2021|Daily Devotional|

Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’ By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi) August 2nd 2021 Messy but Beautiful (II) 'And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.' Romans 8:28 [NKJV] Bible Reading: Colossians 1:15-18 The first mess God turned into something beautiful is humanity. When man fell in the Garden of Eden, everything turned [...]

Messy but Beautiful (I)

By |2021-08-01T15:35:35+01:00August 1st, 2021|Daily Devotional|

Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’ By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi) August 1st 2021 Messy but Beautiful (I) 'And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.' Romans 8:28 [NKJV] Bible Reading: Jeremiah 18:1-4 Dear heavenly Father I pray that as we start this new series, 'Messy but beautiful', may you open our [...]

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