About ksiadmin

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So far ksiadmin has created 516 blog entries.

The Worst of Sinners

By |2023-10-05T04:09:58+01:00October 28th, 2023|2023 Devotional, Daily Devotional|

Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’ By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi) October 28th 2023 The Worst of Sinners Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners‚ of whom I am the worst. I Timothy 1:15 Bible Reading: I Timothy 1:12-20 Apostle Paul considered himself as the worst of sinners despite his resume: “circumcised on the eighth day, of [...]

Paul’s Instructions Begin

By |2023-10-05T04:09:14+01:00October 27th, 2023|2023 Devotional, Daily Devotional|

Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’ By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi) October 27th 2023 Paul’s Instructions Begin The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience, and a sincere faith. I Timothy 1:5 Bible Reading: I Timothy 1:1-11 Every instruction written to Timothy had a rationale. It was also from a pure heart, a good conscience, and sincere faith. Paul [...]

From Paul with Love

By |2023-10-05T04:08:11+01:00October 26th, 2023|2023 Devotional, Daily Devotional|

Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’ By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi) October 26th 2023 From Paul with Love Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight holding on to faith and a good conscience. Some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith. I Timothy 1:18 Bible [...]

Quick Fix

By |2023-10-05T04:07:33+01:00October 25th, 2023|2023 Devotional, Daily Devotional|

Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’ By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi) October 25th 2023 Quick Fix Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 2:3 Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 2:1-7 My jean trouser was dirty. I dipped the brush in water and quickly brushed the trouser and it was ready for wear. That was quick, fast and easy! This generation wants quick fixes [...]

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