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So far ksiadmin has created 516 blog entries.

The Resurrection Power III

By |2023-04-12T21:09:02+01:00April 12th, 2023|2023 Devotional, Daily Devotional|

By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi) Daily Devotional - 'In His Footstep' April 12th 2023 The Resurrection Power (III) Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and [...]

The Resurrection Power II

By |2023-04-11T14:07:47+01:00April 11th, 2023|2023 Devotional, Daily Devotional|

By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi) Daily Devotional - 'In His Footstep' April 11th 2023 The Resurrection Power (II) Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” (Acts 3:6) Bible Reading: Acts 3:1-11 God’s power never fails. The resurrection power is still alive and evident in our lives. I bring good [...]

The Resurrection Power

By |2023-04-10T14:08:28+01:00April 10th, 2023|2023 Devotional, Daily Devotional|

By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi) Daily Devotional - 'In His Footstep' April 10th 2023 The Resurrection Power But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal [...]

God is at Work

By |2023-04-10T05:50:12+01:00April 9th, 2023|2023 Devotional, Daily Devotional|

By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi) Daily Devotional - 'In His Footstep' April 9th 2023 God is at Work For we live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 Bible Reading: Matthew 27 Jesus was crucified. He was put to shame and brutally dealt with (Isaiah 52:13-15, Isaiah 53). After all that was done to him, he gave up the ghost and permission was sought to bury his body. He was buried in [...]

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