Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
August 3rd 2023

Beware of Greed (II)

This is how it would be with whoever stores up treasures for themselves but is not rich towards God? Luke12:21 (NIV).

Bible Reading: Luke 12:13-21

Yesterday we defined greed as an unholy and immoderate desire for something or the longing to have more especially for one’s self. We saw the need to have a good heart disposition towards riches by being contented. This is because a person’s true life is not made up of the things he owns. Taking a close look at the parable Jesus gave, you will notice that the rich fool was concerned only about himself even after his field yielded an abundant harvest. This was evident in his language. Looking at how the New Living Translation puts our text, you will notice that just between versus 17-19, the rich fool used words that alluded to himself many times. No wonder Jesus warned us against greed! The moment we indulge in the least form of greed, the more it grows into a giant that would finally sift us away from God. Gehazi, the servant of prophet Elisha was an example. Gehazi who would have been the successor of Elisha and possibly inherit a double portion of his anointing (the quadrupled anointing of Elijah) aborted his ministry because of greed (2 Kings 5). Dear friend, the way to avoid greed is found in Jesus’ admonition: “watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed” for “This is how it would be with whoever stores up treasures for themselves but is not rich towards God” vs 21.

Self-Reflection: If God demands your soul tonight what will be your fate?

Action Point: It is no longer I but Christ

Daily Confession: Dear Lord, help me be rich towards you and also consider others better than myself.

Intercessory prayer: I pray for fresh unction to function for my pastors and ministers of God.

Hymn: I need Thee oh, I need Thee;

every hour I need Thee;

oh, bless me now, my saviour!

I come to Thee (SS&S 577)