The Heart of a Man

By |2023-06-08T00:06:16+01:00June 5th, 2023|2023 Devotional, Daily Devotional|

Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’ By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi) June 5th 2023 The Heart of a Man "But the Lord said unto Samuel, look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him; for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but Lord looketh on the heart. " 1 Samuel 16:7 KJV [...]

Gideon’s Snare

By |2023-06-08T00:05:46+01:00June 4th, 2023|2023 Devotional, Daily Devotional|

Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’ By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi) June 4th 2023 Gideon's Snare "And Gideon made an ephod thereof, and put it in his city, even in Ophrah: and all Israel went thither a whoring after it: which thing became a snare unto Gideon, and to his house. " Judges 8:27 KJV  Bible Reading: Judges 8:24-27 Gideon led the battle against the Midianites and God [...]

What Realm Are You Fighting?

By |2023-06-08T00:05:13+01:00June 3rd, 2023|2023 Devotional, Daily Devotional|

Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’ By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi) June 3rd 2023 What Realm Are You Fighting? "For we walk by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7 Bible Reading: I Samuel 17 Matured wrestlers know that fighting outside the ring does not give them any point, rather it is a mere waste of time. The ultimate point that counts is getting in the ring. Thus, [...]

Christ in Me the Hope of Glory (I)

By |2023-06-03T05:44:28+01:00June 2nd, 2023|2023 Devotional, Daily Devotional|

Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’ By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi) June 2nd 2023 Christ in Me the Hope of Glory (I) I have been crucified with Christ [that is, in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body I live by faith [by adhering to, relying on, and completely [...]

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