Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
February 21st 2024

Do You Know Who You Are? (III)

And the angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him, “The Lord is with you, O mighty man of valor.” (Judges 6:12)

Bible Reading: Judges 6

The Midians mercilessly oppressed the Israelites. It was a seven-year brutal experience. When it was time for harvest, the Midians, Amalekites, and the people of the East raided the Israelites. They encamp against God’s people, devour the produce of the land as far as Gaza. These looting nations left nothing for Israelites– no sheep, or ox or donkey. “For they would come up with their livestock and their tents; they would come like locusts in number—both they and their camels could not be counted—so that they laid waste the land as they came in.” (Judges 6:5) Due to the seven year experience of oppression, the Israelites were brought low. There identity was negatively affected. After seven years of subjugation and oppression, they started looking at themselves from the perspective of their experiences. There was a need for freedom and God needed somebody. When the Angel of the Lord encountered Gideon, the first declaration was to his identity. Gideon needed to see himself as God sees him rather than how experience and situation has conscripted him to see. God spoke through the lens of Gideon’s future and not the past or present. As the story continues, Gideon disagreed with the name because his present circumstances contradicted how God identified him. Gideon challenged the angel, if God is truly with me, why would the Midians oppress us? He even mentioned that fact that his tribest is the youngest and weakest. Dear friends, we need to ask the Lord to open our eyes to see who He has called us to be for His glory.

Action Point: Identify a Bible verse that speaks to the core of your identity in Christ.

Intercessory Prayer: We pray for anyone facing identity crisis around us to encounter Jesus

Hymn: Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch; like me!

I once was lost, but now am found,

Was blind, but now I see.

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