Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
October 4th 2023

Experiencing God (II)

Gideon said to Him, “If I may ask, sir, why has all this happened to us if the Lord is with us? What about all the wonderful things that our fathers told us the Lord used to do how he brought them out of Egypt? The Lord has abandoned us and left us to the mercy of the Midianites.              Judges 6:13 (GNT).

Bible Reading: Judges 6:11-16.

An encounter with God can transform your life forever. Ask Saul on his way to Damascus and his divine encounter that changed the course of his life (Acts 9). A pretext to our Bible reading today: When the children of Israel sinned against God, He gave them into the hands of the Midianites who suppressed and plundered them. When the Israelites cried to God, He heard their cry and sent them a prophet to correct them. God intervened by sending an angel to Gideon who was threshing wheat in a wine press to hide it from the Midianites. The angel of the Lord greeted him with a greeting that sounded strange to his ears, “the Lord is with you, mighty warrior”. When we experience God, He speaks into what seems impossible to us. In fact, when He steps in, everything changes. This was what happened in the case of the children of Israel. Gideon wondered why a mighty man of valor could be hiding from the Midianites. This led him to an important question that changed the course of his life. He said to the angel “…What about all the wonderful things that our fathers told us the Lord used to do how he brought them out of Egypt?” What a question! Have you been reading so many great signs and wonders the Lord wrought for his people throughout the scriptures but have not seen any in your life like Gideon? God is still changing and transforming lives. Though Gideon was from the weakest clan in Manasseh and was the least of his family, God used him to defeat the vast army of the Midianites. Like Apostle Paul, may you encounter God in new ways that will bring repentance and transform your life in Jesus name.

Self-Reflection: You too can experience God’s wonders as you desire and work towards experiencing the fullness of our God.

Action Point: Locate scriptures that address your current situation and pray them into reality.

Daily Confession: Lord Jesus, let it be unto me according to your word from today.

Intercessory prayer: Pray that God will encounter our families afresh for the glory and honour of his name.

Hymn: More about Jesus would I know,

More of His grace to others show