Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
January 10th 2022

Finally on New Beginnings

Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase. Job 8:7(NKJV)

Bible Reading: Isaiah 43:19

The journey of another three hundred and sixty-five days has started! Like the old saying goes, the journey of a thousand miles starts with a step, same is true for every beginning. It is not coincidence is that the Bible starts with, “in the beginning. God created the heaven and the earth (Genesis 1:1). God’s word today is an encouragement for a new beginning, “I will do a new thing (Isaiah 43:19). That sounds like cliche, God’s word is true and He is committed to fulfilling His word. Although I have read today’s bible passage many times, I have learnt to take God’s word serious no matter how many times I have heard it because God does not speak when He does not mean it.

We have spent significant time on the subject on new beginning because:

First, new beginning is important because there are new things to claim, new heights to reach in Him, new territories to claim, new aspirations, new revelations and new souls to win etc. God, our creator made all things from nothing. If His created beings (human beings) know how to create new things, how much more of the Creator who made man in HIs own image and after HIs likeness?

Secondly, it is God who will do a new thing. This is important for many reasons: It takes God to do something new and this should give us hope, strength and courage to rely solely on God. Our job is to believe Him and follow Him as He instructs. However, every season requires certain attitude and mindset. When God speaks a word, He will play His part and we are committed to be responsible and partner with Him. Though your beginning was small, yet thy latter end shall greatly increase.

Finally, with a new dispensation comes new things, and God is a loving father that wants to give His children new things. Dear friends, as you journey in the new year, embrace God’s word, partner with God and make Jesus be the center of your focus because God will do a new thing for you!

Self-Reflection: With every beginning comes certain attitude, mindset and understanding.

Action Point: Be sensitive to God’s new beginning

Daily Confession: Lord I embrace Your word, a new beginning in you for the glory of your name.

Intercessory prayer: I pray for encouragement for those who are discouraged because of life situations.

Hymn: Lord lift me up, and let me stand

By faith on heaven stable land

Higher plane that I am found

Lord plant my feet on higher ground.