Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
September 25th 2023

Finding Peace amidst the Storm (I)

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you… Isaiah 43:1-3 [NIV]

Bible Reading: Isaiah 43:1-5

The Prince of Peace is the Lord over storm! Peace is best found during the toughest and roughest times of war and storm. That sounds paradoxical, right? It’s the truth. The Prince of Peace‚ Jesus Christ promised us His Presence regardless of any storm, He will ever be present. Many times, it is not that God is not there or that His Spirit is missing, the problem is we refuse to acknowledge Him. A presence not recognized is regarded not present, hence, its functionality becomes intruding into privacy and violating the law of volition and self-will.

Given the apt picture of peace, a painter painted an animal sleeping peacefully in the midst of storm and raging earthquake. The reason for such level of confidence is that that animal had its mother close-by who defends it from any encroaching predator. May we come to that point where we can accept Jesus Christ as the source of our peace and security. We can only do this when we trust Him to handle and care for us despite what we are passing through and understand that it’s in Him we live, move and have our being. In spite of our circumstances, we know that He is committed to us and we are precious eggs in the hand of the creator and He guards and keeps us with all His might and strength.

Dear friends, Jesus Christ didn’t promise a smooth sail nor a storm-less ride, He ONLY promised that He is there even when we pass through fire, water, storm and other hazardous and disturbing situations you can think of. The ONLY key is to fix our gaze on Jesus Christ for He is the author and the finisher of our faith. Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm; you are worth more than you think in His Hands. So finding peace is simply by trusting God, submitting all to Him and obeying Him to do all that He commands. His promise is sure because He is the Prince of peace.

Self-Reflection: Be still for the Presence of the Lord, the Holy One is here.

Prayer: Listen you storm, I found peace in Jesus Christ and because He is with me, in me and by me, I command be still.

Action Point: Use God’s word to command every storm to be still in Jesus Name. (Read Matthew 8:23-27 and Isaiah 43:1-3).

Intercessory prayer: I declare the peace of God over every troubled heart in and around me in Jesus name.

Hymn: ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus

Just to take Him by His word

Just to rest upon His promise

And to know “Thus saith the Lord”