Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
March 10th 2023

Glorify the Lord
I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. (Psalm 34:1, KJV)

Bible Reading: Joshua 6:1-27

For the past few days, we have been encouraging one another on the need to show gratitude to God regardless of the circumstances. Praise is a spiritual weapon for warfare. You can fight your battles by praising God. In our Bible reading today, God gave Joshua and his team the instruction to circle the city once daily for six consecutive days. On the seventh day, they shall match around the city seven times with the priests carrying trumpets made with ram horns ahead of the ark. The Israelites followed God’s instruction and on the seventh day, the wall of Jericho fell down flat. There have been several archeological discoveries to confirm the truth, accuracy and authenticity of the incident. The point is when we choose to raise a hallelujah to God even in the storm, we are enthroning God over the situation. It is a sign that our confidence is in God because no matter what, we know God will take our hands and see us through. Dear friends, I encourage you to deliberately choose praise instead of complaining. Glorify the Lord with your heart of worship, show gratitude and you will see Him work mightily in your life.

Action Point: Sing songs and hymns unto the Lord today.
Intercessory prayer: Thank God for hearing prayers over our nations, individuals, families and the situations we have prayed for in the past.

Song: … And I’ll praise You in this storm.
And I will lift my hands.
For You are who You are.
No matter where I am.
And every tear I’ve cried.
You hold in Your hand.
You never left my side.
And though my heart is torn.
I will praise You in this storm.