Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
July 28th 2021

God of Another Chance (I)
‘… I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,    and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” (Romans 9;15)
Bible Reading: Jonah 1
The Bible is full of stories of people God gave another chance. God interrupted their agenda by His mercy to bring them on track. Jonah was one of those people who received God’s mercy. Jonah was a prophet of God instructed to go to Nineveh and preach against the city because of their sins. Instead of obeying God, Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the Lord. There was a storm that caused passengers on the ship to jettison their cargoes and after all the effort to calm the ranging sea proved abortive, they cast lot and it fell on Jonah. Apparently, they experienced the storm because of Jonah. Jonah was cast into the sea and God prepared a fish to swallow Jonah. Jonah cried to the Lord in the belly of the fish and the Lord answered. God commanded the fish to take Jonah to Nineveh so that he could deliver God’s message to the city of Nineveh. God’s another chance is His mercy. To a reader of this devotional,  God will give you another chance no matter your past. His mercy will find you because He will have mercy on whom He will have mercy upon (Romans 9:15). Your attitude to receive God’s mercy is to acknowledge your sin, confess and forsake them and allow Jesus Christ to take absolute control of your life. Pray to God today for another chance in your life!
Daily Confession: Lord Jesus I thank you for You are the God of another chance. I pray that you give me another chance in my life today in Jesus name.
Hymn:  Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound)
That sav’d a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.