Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
July 12th 2022

Greater Commitment (I)

For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Bible Reading: Romans 8:31-34

Commitment is perhaps one of the most serious and matured words many people are afraid to use. It involves taking on responsibility and sticking one’s head out no matter the cost (2 Timothy 4:6). When used, it shows that the person involved is ready, willing and determined to sacrifice whatever it will take to standby the subject or reason behind the commitment. One can be committed to somebody (as in marriage), a course (as in purpose); a character or attribute, a motive and even a set of practice among others. Anyone who is intentional about their commitment and follows through whenever they are committed to anything is stable and mature. It could also mean that such a person understands to a great extent what it means to be responsible.

The Bible is a book of commitment, God’s commitment to love humanity. It also reveals different individuals, generations, and nations within the story of God’s amazing commitment. When Adam fell in the Garden of Eden, God was committed to reconcile His creation to Himself. Through ages and generations, God ensured that the ultimate purpose, concern, and pursuit is fulfilled. In our Bible reading today, Apostle Paul reveals that God’s commitment to humanity involved sacrificing His only son for our salvation. I believe it is important we are reminded of God’s commitment to our redemption, a divine purpose, planned and executed because of love. God gave and Christ offered Himself; it took great sacrifice, determination, suffering and discomfort just for us. Have you given your life to Christ Jesus? As you reflect on God’s commitment unto you, the question is: what has God’s commitment motivated you to give unto God?

Self-Reflection: He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all.

Action Plan: Identify an area you want to be committed unto God in your service unto Him.

Daily Confession: Lord Jesus I appreciate Your commitment to me, help me to be continually committed unto You, amen.

Intercessory prayer: Pray for God’s mercy over your city.

Song: He loves me I cannot say why

He loves me I cannot say why

On Calvary tree, He suffered for me

He loves me I cannot say why.