Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
March 23rd 2022
Identity is Important
Then the princes of the Philistines said “What are these Hebrews doing here? I Samuel 29:3a (NKJV)
Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 29
Our identity is important to our life, relationship and destiny. When I gave my life to Jesus Christ, I was counseled to let people know about my new identity in Christ Jesus. “It is important that people know what you stand for” because it helps you to rely on God to live the life you have professed. In our reading today, it was David’s identity that saved him. He wanted to fight for the Philistines (who were God’s enemy) against the Children of God. David was in a terrible situation — King Saul was after David’s life due to envy, rivalry and hatred and David in his instinct for survival aligned with the enemies of God. In the process, David lost all he had including the property of those that stayed with him. Be careful that you don’t align with God’s enemies because it is deadly.
However, David had a saving grace, his identity. The Philistines knew David’s identity, hence, they denied him the opportunity to fight for them because they knew he was against them totally. When we make people know our identity as Christians, it saves us from many troubles. For instance, when your colleagues who don’t know Christ want to cheat, or misappropriate fund in that office, they won’t call you because they know your identity and what you stand for. It can save us from committing errors and evil against God and His people. Let people know what you stand for through your lifestyle, utterance, appearance and actions. When they see Jesus in you, they will know your identity and who you represent. It’s only when you know that you are the light that you can truly lighten up your world. Dear friends, know your identity in Christ today so that you won’t be limited or lost in the world.
Self-Reflection: Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Action Point: Examine yourself to know if your present identity fits what you are meant to be in Christ Jesus.
Daily Confession: I repent of wrong identity, embrace my right identity and align myself to live rightly and fully for God.
Intercessory prayer: Pray for homeless population in your city for God’s intervention and for just policies to make people’s life better.
Hymn: Stand up, stand up for Jesus!
Ye soldiers of the cross;
Lift high His royal banner,
It must not suffer loss
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