Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
January 5th 2022

It’s a New Beginning (IV)

In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18-19 [KJV]

Bible Reading: Psalms 136

For the past three days, we have been reflecting on the need for God’s Presence in the journey of this year. We reiterated the need to focus on Jesus, commit your ways unto Him, believe Him, pray earnestly, read, meditate and live by God’s word, and be diligent to pursue God’s plan for your life this year. In short, seek God and live for His glory.

Let’s reflect on another important victual to consider on this new journey. It is the need to be grateful. Gratitude will bring feast of fast things into your life this year. This is because gratitude does not walk alone. It brings good things. Apart from the fact that God’s Presence abides with us when we show appreciation of His faithfulness, blessings and unending love, gratitude gives us peace of mind. This is important for our mental health. Instead of thinking of the things you do not have, why not be grateful for the things you have?

Also, gratitude gives different perspectives in any circumstance. Instead of murmuring and grumbling, gratitude helps our perspective and we can become positively minded rather than complaining. When we are grateful, we create a conducive environment for the miraculous, forfaith to grow, and for the supernatural to take place. Gratitude brings joy. I have never seen anyone who shows genuine gratitude in sadness. When we are grateful, we express joy and it is“with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation” (Isaiah 12:3).

Dear friends, be determined to thank God for everything and in all things this year. Be prepared that no matter the situation, you will be grateful unto God. I declare that your year is blessed in Jesus name.

Action point: On a weekly basis select an area in your life and appreciate God for it.

Daily Confession: Lord I am grateful because you are faithful and truthful. May I continually show gratitude unto God and the people He puts in my life.

Intercessory prayer: Pray for civil servants, students, and business owners as they return to work this week for God’s protection and help in their lives.

Hymn: Thank you, thank you Lord,

Thank you, Lord (x2),

For everything you have done.