Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
May 24th 2022

Joshua’s Strategy

Then Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies from Shittim. Go, look over the land, he said, especially Jericho. So they went and entered the house of a prostitute named Rahab and stayed there. Joshua 2:1

Bible Reading: Joshua 2

Today, we want to consider a strategy employed by Joshua. It is called spying or espionage. In military terms, spying is an important strategy employed to gather information about the enemy which is later used to the disadvantage of the enemy. Information such as demography, policies, military strength; knowledge, arms and ammunition; environmental factor, numerical strength, belief system, and natural resources among others. The information gathered will help in devising effective strategies against the opponent. That was exactly what Joshua did. He learnt from his master Moses who sent twelve spies including Joshua to the land of Canaan (Numbers 13).

The art and act of strategizing is important to maximizing potentials and opportunities. As Christians, we need to understand the importance of being strategically positioned and work at it so that at the end of the day, we can occupy effectively for Christ Jesus. The strategy of spying itself is essential in the Christian race because we are soldiers on the battlefield. We have to be watchful, attentive, and sensitive to and in all things as the Holy Spirit‚ our Helper leads. Unity is key in taking over nations for Christ Jesus. In addition, we have to be zealous, full of faith, have right understanding and be well-prepared. Jesus summed it up this way: watch and pray.

Self-Reflection: How watchful and prayerful are you?

Action Point: Develop your spiritual strategy of being attentive, intuitive, sensitive and obedient in your walk with God.

Daily Confession: Lord have mercy on me where I have not fully maximized Your grace, I turn to You for Your help in Jesus name. Amen!

Intercessory prayer: Let’s pray for your country’s military, naval, police and air officers for God’s help as they carry out their responsibilities.

Hymn: Lead me, Lord, lead me in your righteousness,

Make your way plain before my face.

For it is Thou Lord, Thou Lord only,

That makest me dwell in safety