Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
July 7th, 2024

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Just as Moses lifted up the [bronze] serpent in the desert [on a pole], so must the Son of Man be lifted up [on the cross], [15] so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life [after physical death, and will actually live forever]. John 3:14-15, AMP

Bible Reading: Number 21:6-9

The Israelites sinned against God. They murmured and spoke against Moses and God sent serpents as a punishment. They were bitten and some died. They came to Moses for help and Moses prayed to God on their behalf. God answered and instructed Moses to construct a bronze snake and hang it on a tree that whoever looked at it would be healed. Moses did as instructed and as many who obeyed and looked at the snake were healed.

Beyond God disciplining His children and healing them (which is the lower story), there was an upper story. The hanging of the serpent on the tree is an upper story— a foreshadowing of Jesus’ death on the Cross. He took the curse and the shame for us and whoever believes in Him (look up to Him) will have eternal life. Dear friends, no matter the situation, look unto the Jesus because He has the answer for you.

Daily Confession: God I thank you that I can look to you and be saved. I receive my healing today as I call unto You in Jesus name, amen.

Intercessory prayer: I pray for God to strengthen His church, encourage the ministers and help the members in this season in Jesus name.

Hymn: On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand:

all other ground is sinking sand;

all other ground is sinking sand.

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