Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
August 7th 2021

Messy But Beautiful (VII)
‘…Trust in the Lord…Proverbs 3:5a [NKJV]
Bible Reading: Mark 5:1-20
I would like to end this series by praying that whatever the mess maybe in your life, God will make something beautiful out of it for His glory in the name of Jesus. Did you know that it is only in God that even your mistake can become useful for His glory? God is not a task master, He is a loving Father who cares for us beyond our imagination. It seems God takes glory in turning messy situation and messy people into beauty.
The blind Bartimaeus out of his messy situation called unto Jesus when He realized Jesus was passing by and his sight was restored. He had a different mindset- a never-giving up attitude. He looked at his situation differently – as a situation that Jesus could handle. And Jesus showed forth in blind Bartimaeus’s situation. Dear friends, your mindset and attitude is important because you have to cooperate with Jesus. I have seen Jesus turn lives of drug addicts around for the best. A friend share with me how God encountered his life while he was in prison, and God brought peace, orderliness and restoration to his life again. He are out of prison now and he has become a witness for Christ Jesus. God’s faithfulness is true and even that situation looks unbearable or irredeemable, I want you to know God is working. Dear friends, look unto Jesus and let your faith anchor on Him. I encourage you to add patience to your faith because God’s grace and mercy will find you in that situation in Jesus name.
Daily Confession:  Lord Jesus we thank you for your faithfulness to heal and make whole. Turn every mess in our lives into beauty for the glory of your name, amen.
Intercessory prayer: Pray for God’s intervention for drug addicts, prisoners and those dealing with mental health issues. Also pray for parents who are trusting God for the salvation of their children – that God will intervene.
Song: There is power in the name of Jesus (x4)
To break every chain (x3)