Daily Devotional – ‘In His Footstep’
By Kingdom Support Initiatives (KSi)
August 17th 2021

Obedience (I)
But Samuel replied: “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. I Samuel 15:22
Bible Reading: I Samuel 15
Yesterday we reiterated that to obey is to follow an instruction. It is to willingly hearken to a given direction. Obedience is by choice not by force. In fact, there will be many reasons not to obey and there can be many logical excuses you can give for disobeying. Since it is by choice, then you have a part to play and a decision to make. There’s no obedience that is too small or too big because an act of obedience is strengthening one’s capacity to choose to obey no matter what it takes.
Our Bible reading today is an account of king Saul’s disobedience to God’s word. God instructed king Saul through prophet Samuel to fight against the Amalekites. God specifically requested that nothing be spared. It was an holy war. To the contrary, king Saul disobeyed and instead of him to own up to his mistake, he blamed it on the people of Israel, specifically, the military officers that went to fight with him.
It is one thing to disobey or do something wrong, it is another thing to accept your mistake and correct it rather than  shifting blames. If you are the type of person that shifts blames instead of owning up to your mistakes, you better stop it. What you refuse to own up to today will own you tomorrow. A disobedient person will reap its fruit just like king Saul’s kingdom was taken away from him.
Daily Confession: I have the spirit of God in me. I am obedient and I follow God’s word in Jesus name.
Intercessory prayer: Pray for God’s provision for those looking for job, house to live and sound health.
Hymn: Obedience is the very best way
To show that you believe
Doing exactly what the Lord command
Doing it happily
Obedience is the very best way
To show that you believe.